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Balancing Vegan Puy Lentil Lasagne
This lasagne includes all the 6 tastes leaving you feeling satisfied and nourished but not heavy or tired. The carefully balanced...

Vegan Summer Tart - Pitta and Vata Balancing
I have been experimenting over the last few weeks with creating new, sattvic (non aggravating) recipes that are more appropriate for the...

Beet and Black Bean Burger - Kapha balancing
This vegan burger is easy to make, delicious in flavour and texture and great for kapha dosha due to the gently heating ingredients and...

Almond Mousse Cake for Reproductive Health
I have developed this cake to nourish the sukra dhatu/reproductive tissues. The almonds I used have been soaked overnight and are the...
Overview of the Dosha (includes relation to chakra and suggested job roles)
Vata dosha Attributes Slim build. Either quite small or very tall. Long limbs. Small facial features sometimes with a protruding nose....

Ginger and Lime Drizzle Cake (great for a colds and flu)
I adapted this recipe from Lazy cat kitchen's website where are lots more wonderful recipes that can be made suitable for an ayurvedic...

Bean and Potato Pie
This lovely pie is the perfect healthy comfort food that avoids the use of tomato which is very aggravating for the digestive system and...

Spice soup for after child birth - increases appetite, breast milk and helps to clear the excess tis
In this challenging time let us not forget those expecting mothers who may not have the support and guidance they were expecting due to...

The perfect vegan ginger cake
I've been searching for vegan cakes recipes that have that lovely moist texture but also rise nicely and this one, that I have adapted...

COVID-19: The Ayurvedic perspective
Inflammation Like many viruses, coronavirus is derived from excess pitta or inflammation in the body, this creates an environment where...
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