I've been searching for vegan cakes recipes that have that lovely moist texture but also rise nicely and this one, that I have adapted seams to hit the nail on the head. Ginger cake is a perfect cake to be making and eating right now because of gingers wonderful medical properties (including immune boosting and phlegm melting). Having this mixed in a cake with some (but less than usual) sugar helps balance the qualities of ginger making it very digestible. If you have a ginger tea, putting a little sugar with it also does this as sugar is cooling and ginger can be a little heating. Together you just get the pure positive effects of the ginger with no 'overheating' (aggravation of pitta). The fat I have used is coconut oil and this fat is very stable at high temperatures and not only does it not transform into anything nasty, it also has its own cooling quality which again helps the balance of the cake and is great for these times when we need to keep pitta in check. The flour to use is optional but I prefer wholemeal spelt as it is very digestible (specially mixed with spices) and also suitable for kapha dosha. We need to be keeping kapha in check right now too because excess kapha in the body can collect in the chest causing liquid build up.
So with all those who have a little more time on your hands than normal I hope you will enjoy baking and eating this cake. :)

This is a tray bake so half the ingredients if your just after a small round cake.
120g coconut oil
200ml molasses
100g coconut sugar (or any other brown sugar)
300ml soya/almond/coconut milk
100ml soya yoghurt
400g wholemeal spelt flour
4 tsp baking powder
2 tsps of ground cinnamon
4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp of nutmeg
1 tsp of mixed spice
1. Grease and flour a tray bake tin and pre-heat the oven - 180C/350F/Gas mark 4.
2. In a saucepan melt together the coconut oil and molasses, remove from the heat and let cool for a few mins. Then add the sugar, milk and yoghurt.
3. In a large mixing bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder and spices. Add the mixture from the saucepan and beat with a spoon for a minute until fully combined.
4. Pour the mix in to the tray bake tin and bake for around 30 mins (or until the centre of the cake is dry). Leave to cool in the pan for 10 mins before turning on to a wire rack, cut into squares when completely cool.