This vegan burger is easy to make, delicious in flavour and texture and great for kapha dosha due to the gently heating ingredients and high protein content which can help reduce excess kapha in the body. This burger will also be suitable for balanced vata dosha so long as they have a well functioning digestive system due to the gentle heating qualities however, follow the swaps for pitta imbalance if you have a lot of dryness in the body or an irritable bowl. To make it more suitable for a pitta imbalance swap the black beans for chickpea or butter beans, swap the beetroot for white potato or a mix of white and sweet (you may need to add some extra wholemeal flour to correct the texture), leave out the paprika and swap the balsamic vinegar for white wine or cider vinegar. These are suitable for freezing, this recipe makes about 14 burgers.

3 Small beetroots chopped into 4 and boiled until soft (you can pierce and microwave)
3 shallots, chopped
1 inch of fresh ginger, diced
4 garlic cloves, crushed
150g of wholemeal bread crumbs (preferably homemade with flatbreads)
600g black beans (or beans of choice)
A splash of balsamic vinegar
A splash of tamari/soya sauce
1 tsp fennel seeds
2 tsp cumin powder
4 tsp coriander powder
2 tsp smoked paprika
2 tsp dry thyme
1 tsp mixed spice
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp black pepper
salt to taste
1 tsp of coconut oil

1. Fry the onions, garlic and ginger in coconut oil until soft then add the spices, cook for 2 mins then add the vinegar and tamari and cook for a further 3 mins adding a little water at any point if the mix gets too dry/starts to catch.
2. Add the onion mix and all other ingredients to a blender (you may have to do this in a few batches and mix everything together after), blend until well combined.
3. Use wholemeal flour on your hands and form burgers out of the mixture.

4. Cook in the oven or on a grill on a high temp turning half way through (about 10 mins on each side), keep checking and make your own judgement as cooking will depend on the size of your burgers. You can also bbq these!
5. Serve in a bap or pitta bread with hummus or guacamole, steamed greens and roasted peppers or courgette.